Friday, June 12, 2009

Newtons 1st law

I feel the need to follow up my post from yesterday with an apology. I was ranting like a frustrated whiner. I could have made my point with much more grace. I'm sorry. This topic just happens to be close to me right now -for me and for the people I love.

It seems that motion is perpetual. Who knew? Newton. He's a reliable source, he was a smart cookie and he chose this as his FIRST law! So that would imply that the first step to anything is THE FIRST STEP. Motion will continue to stay in motion. (meaning "get off your lazy a** and do something- anything, and it will pay off by taking you to your next adventure.") Whether it's a baby "bite size" step or a giant "wookie" sized step- just GO! (I'm stretching this beyond physics but I don't think he'd mind because it makes him relevant in a whole different realm.)

The reason I had this thought in the first place came to me from blogging to you (or not blogging to you) and talking to my dad. The only way to have something to blog about or to have something to update your daughter (or anyone) about, is to do something. Wouldn't it be great if every time someone asked you what you've been up to lately, you could say something unexpected and new EVERY TIME?!? That way, they're not bored with you and you're not searching for something to assign meaning to. I mean really, the most interesting people I know have had real life adventures... or maybe just know how to make corn cob pipes straight from a field... or could teach me all the differetnt kinds of knots and their purposes that they learned in boy scouts. I think we all respond to learning something new and it's just as important to teach as it is to learn. I know this is a huge challenge, and that it can't be expected to have some amazing story in your back pocket all the time... but wouldn't it be great if you did?

To my brother in law Karl- you are on my list of interesting people and I appreciate your experiences.

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