Thursday, June 11, 2009

Maggie Walsh

I just wanted to take a minute to say Happy Birthday to someone I hold deep respect for, Roommates Best Friend, Mags. She is wise beyond her quarter of a century status and more gracious than most. She's amazing because she does life intentionally, taking in every good thing and learning from all the twists in her path. She does these things out loud- which is where my respect for her takes root. I have laughed out loud, been moved to tears and fallen more deeply in love with my Jesus by reading the words on her blog, Always Never the Same. Mags, I value you and the role you play in the lives of the people I hold so close to my heart! Have a great year and have fun discovering what's instore! I can't wait to hear all about it! And let me know when you're book comes out- I'm ready!


Maggie said...

thank you.

i miss you, come to california please. and bring emily with you.

also, when i write a book, i'd kind of like you to do the cover, okay?

Kim said...

I'd LOVE to!