Thursday, December 24, 2009


I've been reading the recent flows of "I'm back" blogging and thought I would jump on board.

I don't have a lot to say right now... so whenever that happens I'm just going default to telling you a cherished memory or two of mine.

When I was a kid, (<grade school) my mom used to make t-bone steaks and rice every Sunday for dinner. We would sit in front of the TV and watch America's funniest home videos. For dessert, there was always vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce while we watched star trek (the original series with James T. Kirk) while my dad would put the golden pillows on the couch (golden pillows = large gold floor pillows that I thought every household had) and give me a back rub.

My first job ever was working at the Shorview Community Center as a gymnastics coach with my best friend and 3 boys that all eventually broke my heart. It was amazing.

The end.