Friday, January 15, 2010


My favorite pregnancy symptom so far are the ultra vivid dreams. I had heard about these dreams and a lot of women said they had scary dreams about murderers or giving birth to a 19lb baby... not me. So far my dreams are somewhat realistic and definitely linked to what I've been thinking about over the past few days. I've been having a lot of dreams about friends that I've lost touch with- friends that I don't even know how to find. It's been really nice to reconnect with these people- even if it wasn't real. I woke up feeling so happy every time. Thank you hormones or whatever chemical is making my dreams so real. I have a hard time sleeping through the night lately so sometimes I get to have a few of these dreams each night because of the interruptions.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Heartbeats Rule- week 11

I'm sure everyone that reads my blog, all 8 of you already know what I'm referring to.

On Monday Ryan and I went to see our midwife and heard the super fast thumping heartbeat of our baby for the first time! I didn't gush like some women, I didn't even tear up but it was beautiful and I am amazed at this biological marvel that God letting us share.

When I have more time and energy I'll be able to get out my actual thoughts and feelings about this incredible- spiritual- overwhelmingly beautiful new stage of life- but for now- we're going with the play by play approach.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ode to Betty

There is a new sweetheart in my life. Her name is Betty. She is a 97 Maroon Chevy Lumina and she's so sweet (and safe). It's hard to say good bye to the old saturn, but it's time. My family found this car for me and I was hesitant at first but as soon as I sat in there and saw that I could adjust all my mirrors from the driver seat I was smitten. All my wheels are the same size, the windows don't leak, the seat belt doesn't choke me every time I get in, there are cup holders (not one but two!) AND there is a front bench seat! She's not flashy and she's not without quirks, but she has character and I like her a lot.