Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another memory

I was standing next to this little girl who had one bare foot and one pink flip flop. (We were watching the other girls kick our teams butt in soccer.) Anyhow, I asked her where her other shoe was... she looked at me a little blankly then walked away. I figured I either scared her or bored her... but she came back a minute later with one of the older girls blue flip flops to finish watching the game with me. It made me happy so I painted her.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Asante Sana Africa

I heard something in Kenya that I loved! Pastor Imbumi Makuku said, "Hospitality is the one thing we don't need to import." It's true. From the moment we arrived, we were treated as if we had just come home. They give southern hospitality a run for it's money.

Monday, June 2, 2008

In a daze

It has officially been a month so here is our update. Since our last post, Ryan and I have traveled to and returned from Kenya, we've caught colds that won't quit, we attended a Michigan wedding where two of our good friends Callie and Jon got married, we attended the IJM banquet, I (kim) reconnected with a dear friend from freshman year at Taylor, we found out that baby Tsai & baby Meyers are bth boys, AND we are celebrating the births of our cousins son Justin Eaton and our friend Claire's son Jonas Olson. PHHEEWW!

That was the short version, if you want more detail on our trip, read on-

Between the two of us, Ryan and I haven't fully articulated our reactions from our trip to Kenya. I think the process will be slow with a growing love and appreciation for the people we met and the relationships we built. From here on, I won't be speaking for Ryan- even though we're 'one flesh', our reactions aren't always the same.

There are a few things that really spoke to my heart when we were there. This country has severe poverty, hunger and illness, but this country also has overwhelming joy, hospitality and hope. The first day working at our make shift clinic, I had a short conversation with a 15 year old girl. I asked her to tell me about herself... she replied "I love my country, Kenya is a beautiful place, we are friendly people." From my experience, I would agree with her. We met patients that had sore throats, dog bites, HIV, open wounds from accidents, bad eye sight, various infections etc. and the majority had it in them to smile, shake our hands and thank us for our help and prayers. We were greeted with kind smiles and hand shakes wherever we went.

Our trip was organized by Mission to the world, our team leader was Tom Edwards, and Pastor Imbumi Makuku was our main contact and leader during the week we were there. Pastor Imbumi started a church in Kibera (if you haven't heard of Kibera, google it), and since it's beginning there has been a school built around it. This is a place where children can be safe, where they can learn, and where they can experience the love of our Lord. Their Motto is 'Education for Exaltation,' and let me tell you,these children are wonderful. They are learning to be disciplined, they are learning to hope outside their everyday life, but when they are out of class, they are allowed to be children, allowed to smile and laugh and play... and they do!

It was so fun for me to see a mob of children run to Ryan and jump up on him. It was so fun to see the joy in these children as the guys on our trip took turns just loving them and playing with them. Most of the children in these villages don't have male figures present in their lives, so it was really something to see our team relate to them in the little time we had. It's really hard not to get attached. But it's amazing what these pastors accomplish by just being present. Pastor Imbumi, Pastor Wycliffe, Pastor James, Pastor Patrick, Pastor Imekki, Pastor Dan... all these people have a visible impact on their community... they provide a positive role model... and they are all really fun to hang out with!

There is rare beauty in Kenya- It would be a lie to say I didn't leave a part of me there.

We have tons of stories, about the girls home, the different sites, and crazy games of uno, petting a cheetah, making out with giraffes etc. and we would love to share them if you're interested... just email us or give us a call--

We are glad to be getting well... and we can't wait for our next trip. Any suggestions?