Monday, September 29, 2008

The Chase

"The Chase"
Oil on Canvas
11 x 14

Hello again. This morning I was looking though some of my older paintings to see if I had any used canvas that wanted a new face. I came across this one. This is a painting I titled 'The Chase' in 2006. I was revisiting an oil painting exercise from college. Painting with a pallet knife. (Thanks Larry) I can't say that I've every really enjoyed it. It is really hard to control and as someone who likes to mix paint on the canvas- it was really frustrating. It does however offer some interesting techniques. It's much easier to build layers and texture, it's easier to cut a straight line, and it's kind of nice to let up the need to control detail. So I said why not? Might as well challenge myself a bit and do some more pallet knife paintings. I found once again, I'm not a huge fan. This one painting out of the bunch though stuck out to me. I really liked this one but for the most part I've received negative feed back. That's okay, we artists can handle that- once in a while. My question now is, I haven't sold this painting in two years, should I just paint over it and maybe discover something someone will want? Or do I let it sit in my studio closet with many other undiscovered gems?

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I like to doodle. Here's what a lot of my spare paper looks like these days.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

We got married

Ryan and I have been married for just over a year and this is what we've learned:

1. Neither of us are mind readers
2. Wii- Lego StarWars is a really good team work building experience
3. Bergmans travel. A Lot.
4. It's fun to wake up next to your best friend
5. Clothes don't wash themselves
6. Plants die if you don't water them.
7. Mac and cheese with hot dogs is for adults too!
8. The 'future' comes faster than you might think
9. Some of the best dates cost under $20
10. 'My side of the bed' is relative

Of course this is not a comprehensive list, but it gives you a taste. It's been a good year. We've been learning a lot about working together, learning about what makes each other tick, and figuring out how to make two lives one. I recommend it.