Friday, November 14, 2008

Bergman Family Fun!!!

Do you remember when I made a list of a few things I've learned since Ryan and I got married? If I recall correctly, #3 was "Bergmans travel, A Lot." Well, This year is my very first year to have the privilege of going on a family vacation Bergman style! Ryan's parents organized a trip for the whole family to go to Disney World!!! YAY!!! (I know, lots of exclamation points, but I'm really that excited!!!) Those of you who know me, you know that I heart Disney more than all the salt in the sea. I believe with my whole heart in the Magic that Disney creates and I can't wait to see all the little kids in awe of their favorite characters, pulling their parents from one place to the next. (I imagine that's what I'll be doing with Ryan)

Speaking of Disney- here is a flash from my past.

When I was in high school physics, our teachers name was Mr. Cava. (Who was a wonderfully squirrely little man of the asian persuasion.) He LOVED planning games for us to teach us about the wonderful world of sciences and his favorite was Jeopardy. He would come up with categories and answers, we would have to answer in the form of a question, and buzz in faster than the other team, all those good things. My problem was having the pressure of my teams pride and the beloved candy bowl prize resting on my very slow nervous reflexes. For this reason alone, my team usually nominated me to be the one to finish the game in Final Jeopardy. Weren't they sweet? The trick is that the Final Jeopardy question tended to be completely random- including pop culture and they gave me 45 whole seconds. I won a very unexpected victory for our team by naming all 7 dwarfs from Snow White.

The moral of this story is: If you spend 6 years (in collective hours) of your childhood solely on watching Disney movies, you will win Jeopardy. Ahhh... time well spent.

All this to say I'm FREAKING EXCITED!!! If I decide to move into the palace, and dress Ryan up as Eric from 'The Little Mermaid' I will attach our forwarding address on my next post.

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