Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Our Sweet Girl...

Lillia Grace Bergman is here!!! (We call her Lilli for short) She was born July 31st, 2010 at 3:33pm and weighed 8lbs 6oz!!!
We are beyond amazement at how much we love her. She is strong and beautiful... just as expected. It's incredible to see her movements and finally know what she was doing inside me all that time. This has been a wonderful journey and every minute gets better and better. She has totally captured my heart. I could look into her eyes for hours and I actually miss her when she's asleep. She's so curious already and it floors me how much she's learned in the past 5 days. She's learned to breathe, eat, and how to match us to our voices- I am so proud of her. Her first few days of life were surrounded by people who loved her before she even took her first breath. It was so special to us to have so many people love us so well. Thank you everyone who was praying for a safe delivery, everyone is safe and happy. Ryan was a wonderful support and I am continually impressed with him. While I was resting in bed, Ryan took the responsibility of learning all he could from the nurses on bathing, diapering, sleeping and general tips and tricks. He was the one who showed me how to swaddle her for bed time and how to change a diaper more efficiently... there is no one Lilli is safer with than him- and that makes a mom really proud. Adding Lilli to our family created a whole new wonderful dimension to our family- and we are coming through it closer than ever.

A glimpse into our new life:

Little Lilli and Mom

Little Lilli and Dad

Lilli had a little run in with Jaundice. We had to readmit her to the hospital so she could spend some time in the NICU spa. (note the fashionable eye wear.) She is still in there today and over night tonight but her counts are going down (*good) and we should be able to bring her home again tomorrow.


Becca said...

She's gorgeous!!! I am thrilled beyond measure for you three. So glad you and Ryan are able to enjoy the closeness that birthing/raising a child brings. It only gets better!!!

Mel Titus Tsai said...

love Love LOVE the photos! I will keep praying about her jaundice and that it continues to go down.

Kim, you look so great for having just given birth. Such a beautiful new mom :)

I can't wait to see and hear everything that she is learning and that you guys are learning... keep posting as much as you are able.
Love you lots!

Ryan Renner said...

Wow- I'm so excited for you two!

She's going to be blessed to have you two as parents. :)

Anonymous said...

You three are all amazing and we love you with wild abandon. Thank you for including us on this journey - we can't wait to meet Little Lilli! See you soon,
Brittany & Brad.

monica noel said...

gorgeous, amazing, wonderful. love you three, so so so so much!