Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Reactions to the end.

1. I was just directed to this great new blog for new moms- Project Mom: Tips, Tricks & Truths for First Time Moms. (Thanks Lily!) I know a ton of upcoming new moms so check it out friends- she has some good stuff in there.

2. This is a good site for DIY projects. Easy, straightforward and cute.

3. The end of pregnancy questions are more trying than the mid pregnancy comments. This is obviously just my take- some women get really offended by those mid pregnancy comments such as: WOW, when are you due? How many babies are in there? You look really uncomfortable. Are you sure that baby is going to fit? How are you going to get that baby out? blah blah blah. I think they're kind of funny- it's hilarious what people think is appropriate small talk- they know the final exam to these 9 months isn't going to be pleasant... yet they make comments like "I knew this girl once and her baby got stuck half way down and they had to push her back in just to cut her out." (I'm not upset at this comment, so friend who said this, you know who you are, please don't take it personally that I used this ONE comment as my example. It wasn't the worst.) But more tense people than I might be terrified at stories like these. I can even take the ribbing from family- even though my patience has been tried once or twice and my sensitivity has been very delicate these past 9 months- I know they love this new baby so I can deal with it.

4. The end of pregnancy questions:

The first one I have trouble with is "What's her name?" To save everyone some time, we don't know yet. My experience with choosing names has been limited to pets, stuffed animals and paintings. With paintings, I've been in the habit of not naming them until the creation is complete and I can get a good look at what it should be called. Even then it's hard to choose a name, I've poured myself into it, I've worked so hard to complete it, what name would do it justice? It's infinitely harder to name our child. So we'll be waiting until we meet her and see what name could possibly do her justice.

The second question I have trouble with is "Are you ready to get that baby out?" The answer is NO. First- I've really enjoyed this whole pregnancy thing... it's SUPER interesting. Second, It's easier to take care of her when she's inside. I've been able to be relatively in control of her for the past 9 months. I can keep her safe by keeping myself safe, I can keep her healthy by keeping myself healthy... I know this isn't always the case, but I have been very fortunate with her. I'm not saying this because I'm a control freak and once she's out- I'm going to have to give up some control. It's not like that. Once she's out, I'm forced to take the first step in letting her go. After all, she's not really mine to start with, she belongs to the Lord and He will direct her path. It's hard to think about how to raise her in this world to know courage and justice and honesty... to be a woman of integrity and to know the Lord. Then to let her go someday knowing that He can take care of her far better than we ever could and trust that she's gotten to know Him enough to walk in the right direction. It's one big snowball... I can't wait to see her and watch her react to Ryan- (who she's been snuggling up to for months now) and to hear her laugh for the first time and hear her sweet voice someday... but it's hard knowing that this is the first step toward her life as an independent person. She'll be able to breathe on her own, sleep on her own and eat on her own and soon enough we'll be sending her to school and to college, she'll get married and have children of her own. (Lord willing and if she chooses it.) She will have her own path and her own purpose, her own personality... and we'll be proud. But every parent I talk to says it goes by so fast... so if you keep asking me now if I'm ready to have her out... please know that these are the thoughts that flash through my head. I love every minute I spend with her and I'm not ready to rush anything.

All that said, it's close to the end of this season. Our due date is Aug. 2nd... so anytime in the next few weeks we'll be welcoming this little one into the world and we can't wait for you all to meet her! We'll try to post the announcement as soon as we can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your Mom told me you had a blog so I found this address on your FB. I loved your insights and answers to the questions in your Reactions to the end! You are so insightful and your daughter is very fortunate (and will be blessed) to have had God chose you to be her "Mom". Looking forward to postings and pictures of your "creation"!!! I don't have a goggle account but will sign this as your Mom's friend, Judy!