Sunday, August 29, 2010

Will she know her name?

Our baby's name is Lillia Grace. But will she really know that with all the nicknames she sports? Here's the short list of what comes naturally out of my mouth when I talk to her... (this is by no way a comprehensive list... no daddy nick names or nicknames from grandmas or uncles) Here we go.

- Little Lilli
- Lady Lilli
- Lilli Lani
- Baby Girl
- Sweet Girl
- Sweetie Pea* Most common
- Ms. Prez
- Princess poopy pants (She doesn't like this one. I apologize every time.)
- Shmo (I don't know why.)
- Little Pretty
- Little One
- Mi Amor

... and I'm sure there's more.


Heidi Eaton said...

We have a gift for you from Dave and Shawnee and we'd love to see your little fam. When would be a good time for you to have a visit from us? We have no plans for labor day weekend!

CWickstra said...

I love it Kim! I can't wait to meet her:)

Anonymous said...

No nickames from Grandpa!! It's a parents privelige to name their child and no one should call the child other than their given name.

Dad Bergman

Emily said...

I just caught up. I already feel like I need to see her again! and PS don't stop the faux hawk. It's amazing:)