Friday, August 27, 2010

4 Weeks tomorrow!

1st. Thank you mona for your comment. I didn't want to point out the spaghetti straps- Uncle Adam pointed out that they weren't "age appropriate". But again, don't judge.

So. Aunty Shmem came to visit and take care of us for almost a week. It was incredible having her here, home always feels more complete when I can live life next to her. (Thanks for being here Rooms!) I felt very taken care of, my apartment has never been cleaner (even though I don't know where anything is...) and I have never had homemade curry like hers- yummmm. I miss life next to her and it was refreshing and so fun to share Lilli with her for a while.

and Then...

Last weekend we went on our first road trip as a family. We packed up Betty (my 97 Lumina) and headed east for Whit's wedding in Fort Wayne, IN. Whit married a fantastic man named Ryan Herrmann and I have to say, I've never been so moved by vows in my lifetime. Congratulations friends, you're marriage is already a great example of a beautiful, intentional love. Thank you for letting us share in your dedication to each other.

On a side note, these families REALLY know how to party! There was a live band- and they were AMAZING! Ryan and I wanted to be on the dance floor so we entrusted Mamma Moen's best friend with Lilli and she was passed around like a little hot potato during the reception. (Don't worry those of you who worry, I took it really easy during the weekend as to not over do it myself.)

No suprise, Lilli traveled really well in the car and slept like a champ just like a Bergman. However, I think we'll take a week or two and give her a break from her car seat as much as possible.

We went in for a check up today to get Lillia weighed to make sure she's eating enough and all that jazz. Turns out she weighs 9lbs 9oz! So she's eating pretty well... goodbye newborn clothes!

1 comment:

Mel Titus Tsai said...

YAY Lilli! Way to gain the pounds :) This is probably the only time in her life that anyone would be making comments about this ;)
I can't believe she is a month old today! So amazing! Happy birthday baby girl, I can't wait to meet you and introduce you to your future best friend ;)